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PAAG is 100% powered by Volunteers. You are not only WELCOMED, you are ESSENTIAL!

It's a great way for you to give back to the arts, get to know others, help PAAG grow, and ultimately help the community as a whole!


If there is something YOU’RE PASSIONATE ABOUT in the committees listed below,


HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, let us know by sending us an email


We would love to have you be a part of our team.  

PROGRAM Arranges for speakers, and coordinates their publicity and presentation. Volunteers are need to help set up the room at the day of the show.

ART SHOWS Volunteers are need to accept artwork, set up exhibit and reception, and help with art pick up. FOR THE SPRING SHOW – Volunteers are need to solicit ads.

ONLINE GALLERY Receives entries, formats entries for the Online Store and puts them up on the Online Gallery Store. Aslo send formatted images to the Social Media Team.

MEMBERSHIP Works to grow the membership, and ensures that new members are welcome and become involved in PAAG activities. We are all in this effort together. If you tell someone about PAAG, then they tell someone, and so it goes!

COMMUNICATIONS Website, E-blasts, Social Media, and Press Releases.

HISTORIAN Maintains an archive of publications, events, and media recognition of PAAG.

HOSPITALITY Arranges for refreshments at PAAG meetings and events.

GRAPHIC DESIGN Creates layouts and publications to promote PAAG members and events.

"Every one of us has the ability to raise awareness,
volunteer, educate our friends and family, and give back to our communities".
Matt Barnes
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